>Eugenio Dittborn, The 15th History of the Human Face (The Children of Breughel), 1993.Installation, paper, ashes, cardboard, silkscreen, 140 x 210 cm.
>Eugenio Dittborn, Vanitas, 2006.Artist Novel, 28 x 18 cm, 1 vol. language: Spanish, publisher: Santiago de Chile, ISBN: .
> Exposition: On Taking a Normal Situation and Retranslating it into Overlapping and Multiple Readings of Conditions Past and Present. 19 September 1993 - 28 November 1993.
> Exposition: The collection II – Winter 2002. 23 November 2002 - 09 February 2003.
> Ensemble: Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap.
Sans photo
> Ensemble: Excavation, Accomodation, Extinction.
Sans photo
> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
> Ensemble: The Artist's Novel.