©scan: Hugo Roelandt Research Project, Antwerp (Marc Holthof)
1950 - 2015
Died in Antwerpen (BE), born in Aalst (BE).
The Belgian artist Hugo Roelandt (1950-2015) is one of the pioneers of performance art in Belgium in the seventies and eighties. He consciously operates outside the art market and has an eye for questions about society. Besides that, he was a real ‘artist’s artist’ and a reference in both his city of origin Aalst and in Antwerp, where he lived for most of his life. He advocated an art beyond the art market and geared towards society. During the mid-seventies he visualises gender and identity fluidity in a way that is still relevant.
Combining his insights from photography and performance art, he evolves towards a personal crossover of performance, documentation and installation art for which he coins the label 'post-performance'. Charismatic and energetic, he continuously cooperates with a multitude of people.
Hugo Roelandt generously bequeathed part of his estate to the Antwerp Academy, where he was a teacher in the photography department. In consultation with Lydia Van Loock, his spouse, the Academy decided that the artists' archive should stay together at M HKA as a platform for research about the artist and performance art in Belgium.
>Hugo Roelandt, Self-portrait / Zelfportret, 1993
>Business card of Hugo Roelandt with stamp.
>Hugo Roelandt, Een dag in het leven van een ster / A day in the life of a star, 1971.Video, 16 mm film, 00:12:01.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1972-1973.Photography, ink on paper, 6 x (45 x 37 cm).
>Hugo Roelandt, En passant / Binnen en Buiten, 1972.Video, 16 mm film, 00:01:44.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportretten / Self-Portraits (1973 / 1993), 1973-1993.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Self-portrait, green version / Zelfportret, groene versie, 1973-1993.Collage, 104 x 90 cm, photo, aluminium.
>Hugo Roelandt, Kiek - Vicious Kabaret, 1974.Photography, photo; ink on paper, 52 x 39.5 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1974.Photography, photo; ink on paper, 6 x (37 x 45 cm).
>Hugo Roelandt, Tricolor, 1974.Video, 16 mm film, 00:02:20.
>Hugo Roelandt, Bolero, 1974.Object, plaster, textile, 52 x 39 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Diaserie van vroege performances geprojecteerd op een oppervlak in midden goud / Slide series of early performances projected on a surface of mid-gold, 1974-1981.Photography, dia-projection .
>Hugo Roelandt, Geprojecteerde gevoelens tegenover iets of iemand [Projected Feelings Toward Something or Somebody], 1974.Photography, dia-projection , 80 x.
>Hugo Roelandt, Stilleven / Still life, 1974.Mixed Media, paint on cardbord, photo;ink on paper, 22.5 x 29.5 cm, 30 x 38 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Eén van 'Drie Dames' / One of 'Three Ladies', 1974-1993.Photography, coloured photo.
>Hugo Roelandt, Untitled / Zonder titel, vier zelfportretten in travestie / four self-portraits in drag, 1974.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret in travestie / Self-portrait in Drag, 1974.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret in travestie / Self-portrait in Drag , 1974.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Painting a still life, 1975.Video, 16 mm film, 00:24:20.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1975.Photography, mixed media, 116.6 x 93.6 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1975.Photography, photo; ink on paper, 117.6 x 82,9 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Naaktportretten / Nude Portraits, 1976.Photography, ink, paper.
>Hugo Roelandt, Onderzoek omtrent het actuele esthetische ideaal / Research about the Actual Estheatic Ideal, 1976.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Wit Zwart, fotoserie / photo series, 1977.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, schoenen in plaaster / Shoes in Plaster (Solo-Performance Stadtarchiv Kassel), 1977.Object, cardboard, plaster, shoes, 2 x (28.5 x 39 cm).
>Hugo Roelandt, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Narcisse Tordoir, De 4 seizoenen / The 4 Seasons, 1977.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Hugo Roelandt: Solo-Performance, 1977.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Creatie van een Stuk / Creation of a Piece, 1978.Performance.
>Marc Holthof, Hugo Roelandt, Luc Steels, Marc Verreckt, Paul Geladi, Als u precies doet wat wij zeggen (of niet zo precies) dan maakt u zelf het stuk / If you do exactly (or not exactly) what we tell you to do, you create your own performance, 1978.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Kaaitheaterperformance / Kaaitheater Performance, 1979.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Affiches van Post Performance Project 1 / Posters of Post Performance Project 1, 1980.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Paul Geladi, Wit Zwart, 1980.Video, u-matic, 00:10:00.
>Paul Geladi, Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 1, 1980.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 2(B), 1980.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Bezetting Groendalstraat (Occupation Groendalstraat), 1981.Video, 2 monitors, 00:15:49.
>Marc Holthof, Paul Geladi, Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 3, 1981.Performance.
>Bob Van Aert, Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Hugo Roelandt, Auto Matic Art Project , 1983.Video, 00:55:00.
>Bob Van Aert, Hugo Roelandt, Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Auto Matic Art Project, 1983.Performance.
>Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Hugo Roelandt, Aeromatic Art Project 1, 1983.Performance.
>Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp , Hugo Roelandt, Wilfried Huet, GA - Tijdschrift van de Galerij van de Akademie Van Waasmunster, Jrg.5, nr.1, september-oktober 1985, 1985.Periodical, ink, paper, 57.7 x 41.7 cm, 1 p., ill., language : Dutch, publisher : Galerij van de Akademie Van Waasmunster.
>Hugo Roelandt, Aigua Bellugada / De vorm van water, 1985.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Danny Devos, AUTO MOBILE TERGI CRISTALLO, 1985.Video, betamax, 00:17:50.
>Bob Van Aert, Jan Heremans, Marc Holthof, Hugo Roelandt, Greet Verlinden, Auto Mobile Tergicristallo, 1985.Performance.
>Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Hugo Roelandt, Circulatie / Circulation, 1985.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, Boelproject / Boel Project, 1985.Performance.
>Hugo Roelandt, George Smits, Baudouin Oosterlynck, Jacques Charlier, Jacques Lizène, Dominique Grégoire , Jef Lambrecht, Invite Id'A Screen Machine, 1986.Miscellaneum, paper, ink (printing), ca. 10 x 10 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, De vorm van water. Zwembad en Beeldende Kunst. , 1986.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Keizershallenproject / Keizershallen Project, 1986.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Pavimenti, 1987.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Eurotronics / Antwerpen in een nieuw licht bekeken, 1990-1993.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Film van een venster in een appartement / Film of apartment window, 1990.Video, video.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, Zelfportret met monitor / Self-portraits with monitor, 1990.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, HISTOIRE D'EAU, 1990.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Vensters bedekt met Congo blauw vinyl/Windows covered with Congo blue vinyl, 1992.Installation, vinyl.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, vier zijden van monitor / four sides of monitor, 1992.Video, 00:00:02.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, Cactus, 1992-2016.Installation.
>Marc Holthof, Hugo Roelandt, Afbraak van een kunstwerk/Destruction of an artwork, Pavimenti, 1992-2015.Video, svhs-c, 00:10:18.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, foto's op aluminium gebaseerd op ingekleurde zelfportretten uit de vroege jaren 1970 / Untitled, photos on aluminum based on tinted self-portraits from the early 1970's, 1993.Photography, photo on aluminum.
>Hugo Roelandt, Lichtsculptuur / Light Sculpture, 1993.Object, green neon.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, vier verschillende manieren om ruis te tonen / Untitled, four different ways to show noise, 1993.Installation, vintage tv's.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, onderdeel van Nuances van Wit / Untitled, part of Nuances of White, 1993.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, Strepen / Stripes, Detail uit/from video installation Remote Control, 1993.Video.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, Zelfportret met witte neus / Untitled, Self-portrait with white nose, 1993.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Variaties van wit, 1993.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Fotowerken / Performance Projekt - Photo Works / Performance Project, 1994.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, CONCORDIA DISCORS, 1994.Mixed Media.
>Hugo Roelandt, Light Sculpture / Lichtsculptuur , 1996.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, roze neon / Untitled, pink neon, 1996.Object, neon.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, vier neons in goudgeel en citroengeel / Untitled, four golden and citrus yellow neons, 1996.Object, neon.
>Hugo Roelandt, Hugo Roelandt in zijn badkamer terwijl hij het Vrijheidsbeeld imiteert / Hugo Roelandt in his bathroom while imitating the statue of liberty, 2000.Photography.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, reconstructie van een deel van de badkamer van de kunstenaar / Untitled, reconstruction of part of the artist's bathroom, 2000-2016.Installation.
>Hugo Roelandt, Wij gaan de hemel uitbreiden / Let's expand the sky, 2005.Drawing.
>Hugo Roelandt, Last Performance, 2015.Performance.
>Roger D' Hondt, Hugo Roelandt, Hugo Roeland & New Reform: De Aalsterse Connectie, 2016.Text.
>Hugo Roelandt, Marc Holthof, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Roger D' Hondt, Hugo Roelandt: Getuigenissen, 2016.Happening.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel.Photography, mixed media, 152 x 102 cm.
>Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, plaasteren buste / plaster bust .Object.
>Hugo Roelandt, Colourframe / Nuances van Wit / Variaties van Wit .Installation.
> Exhibition: AMBERES – Roberto Bolaño’s Antwerp. 07 June 2019 - 15 September 2019.
> Exhibition: EXTRA MUROS: Geel – Middle Gate II – The Story of Dymphna. 15 September 2018 - 04 November 2018.
> Exhibition: HUGO ROELANDT — A Choice from the Archive. 09 February 2018 - 29 April 2018.
> Exhibition: Hugo Roelandt & de jaren ’80 — AIGUA I AIGUA. 19 January 2019 - 05 May 2019.
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> Exhibition: Hugo Roelandt - Post(ume) Getuigenis. 23 April 2016 - 18 June 2016.
> Exhibition: Hugo Roelandt & the 90's — Light Sensitive. 18 January 2020 - 23 August 2020.
> Exhibition: Hugo Roelandt — The End is a New Beginning. 14 February 2025 - 25 May 2025.
> Exhibition: Let's Expand The Sky – in Black and White. 16 April 2016 - 04 June 2016.
> Exhibition: Let's Expand The Sky – in Colour. 18 June 2016 - 30 July 2016.
> Exhibition: The Eightees – A Decade of Extremes. 17 June 2016 - 18 September 2016.
> Exhibition: Urgent Conversations: Antwerp – Athens, Part III. 16 September 2017 - 12 November 2017.
> Exhibition: Urgent Conversations Athens - Antwerp. 31 October 2016 - 05 February 2017.
> Ensemble: Belgian Institute for World Affairs.
> Ensemble: BODY.
> Ensemble: EVERYBODY.
> Ensemble: Fluid Body.
> Ensemble: GEWELD | VIOLENCE.
> Ensemble: Hugo Roelandt Projects.
> Ensemble: Middle Gate.
> Ensemble: POST BODY.
> Ensemble: POST FORM.