©image: Berkshire Fine Arts
° 1939
Born in Firenze ().
Maurizio Nannucci has since the 1960s been investigating – in a most ingenious and experimental manner – the complex relationship between word and image, language and color, light and space, art and nature. This investigation manifests itself in works involving text, photography and sound, dia-projects, videos and neon installations. The artist plays with the literal form of words and the influence of this on communication. Central to this is the combination of text and form, language and visual images, and how these two elements play off against each other and change meanings. An example of this is the work You can imagine the opposite, where the viewer is directly invited to amplify the concrete, real image within his own fantasy. Nannucci also experiments with electronic and computer-generated music, in combination with visual processes. Together with other artists he has countless publications to his name, as well as artist’s books, recordings and multiples. His oeuvre is a quest to ways to disseminate his ideas as widely as possible, free from the official, and constraining, art circuit.
Want to know more about Maurizio Nannucci? Click here.
>Maurizio Nannucci, 2011
>'You can imagine the opposite', München, 1992
>Maurizio Nannucci, This side is red, 1970.Installation, neon, 400 x 30 cm.
>Maurizio Nannucci, Maurizio Nannucci, 1979.Book, ink, paper, 30.4 x 22 cm, loose-leaf + documents, language : Dutch, Italian, publisher : ICC/Internationaal Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen.
> Exhibition: A NON-U-MENTAL HISTORY OF M HKA – Part 2: What must be heard. 11 September 2021 - 09 January 2022.
> Exhibition: The collection I – Fall 2002. 31 August 2002 - 10 November 2002.
> Exhibition: The collection XXXIII – The Collection as a Character. 07 June 2013 - 22 September 2013.
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> Ensemble: ICC_Publications.
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> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
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> Ensemble: Statements and Corner Pieces.
> Ensemble: Stichting Gordon Matta-Clark.