“I love my artist books! They are part of what defines my oeuvre. Without the books (or the prints) the story would not be complete. Once in 1966 in New York, Maurice Girodias, the publisher of Olympia Press in Paris and a friend of ours, asked me to make him a model of a book unlike any other which had ever been published. Although I had never heard of artist books, what I made for him turned out to be an artist book. (…) In 1967, Dieter Roth, already then a past master of bookmaking, and I began to live together. Making books in that atmosphere became for me the most natural, everyday, activity. Do you see what I mean? It's not because there was something outside making books which was the source of my inspiration. Here, at the center of my heart, books were being made.”
Dorothy Iannone
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>Dorothy Iannone, Lists IV : A Much More Detailed Than Requested Reconstruction, 1968.Artist Book, edition of 30, 21 x 26 x 10 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Cookbook, 1969.Artist Book, felt pen on bristol board, 62 pages and cover, unique, . 30 x 25 x 3,5 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, The Story of Bern, [or] Showing Colors, 1970.Artist Book, ink on paper, 23 x 22 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Extase (De Dorothy Iannone, Illustré Par Une Chanson De Robert Filliou), 1970.Artist Book, felt pen on bristol board, 62 pages, 36,8 x 32,2 cm.
>Teaching and Learning as performing arts / Lehren und lernen als Aufdrführungkünste, 1970.Artist Book, ink, paper, metal, 21 x 27 cm, 231 p..
>Dorothy Iannone, Danger In Düsseldorf (or) I Am Not What I Seem, 1973.Artist Book, 40 pages + cover, unpaginated, signed, numbered, edition hansjörg mayer, stuttgart/london/reykjavik, 51/200 , 24,5 x 17,6 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Berlin Beauties Or You Have No Idea How Beautiful You Are, Berlin, 1978.Artist Book, 69 pages + cover, 20.5 x 24.5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Die Peitsche / The Whip, 1980.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone and Her Mother Sarah Pucci, 1980.Artist Book, exhibition catalogue. hardback folder containing 6 booklets, 29,7 x 21 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. Werke Von 1961-1966, 1989.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter and Dorothy (Special Edition), 2002.Artist Book, one book 256 pages and one folding box 'icelanding saga' with 8 numbered and signed leporelli with silkscreen prints on bfk rives pape.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter Roth & Dorothy Iannone, 2005.Book, 28 cm x 22,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Seek The Extremes!, 2006.Book, 26,9 cm x 22,4 cm, 80 Pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, You Who Read Me With Passion Now Must Forever Be My Friends, 2014.Book, paper 7.25 × 9 in. 320 pages, 95 color and 210 bw.
>Dorothy Iannone, Censorship and the Irrepressible Drive Toward Love and Divinity, 2014.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. This Sweetness Outside of Time, 2014.Book, paperback, 205 colored and 55 black and white illustrations, 27 x 23 x 1.75 cm, 184 Pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, Pleased To Meet You: Dorothy Iannone, 2017.Periodical, 23 x 30cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone: Eros Paintings, 2019.Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone & Juliette Blightman: (TA)ROT TAROT, 2021.Book, 136 pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2022.Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, A catalogue raisonné of editions and books (1964-2013).Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter Roth, Sarah Pucci, The Art of Sarah Pucci 1959-1993.Artist Book, 25 x 30 cm.