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Teaching and Learning as performing arts / Lehren und lernen als Aufdrführungkünste, 1970. Artist Book, ink, paper, metal, 21 x 27 cm, 231 p..
Dorothy Iannone, Dieter Roth & Dorothy Iannone, 2005. Book, 28 cm x 22,5 cm.
Dorothy Iannone, Seek The Extremes!, 2006. Book, 26,9 cm x 22,4 cm, 80 Pages.
Dorothy Iannone, You Who Read Me With Passion Now Must Forever Be My Friends, 2014. Book, paper 7.25 × 9 in. 320 pages, 95 color and 210 bw.
Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. This Sweetness Outside of Time, 2014. Book, paperback, 205 colored and 55 black and white illustrations, 27 x 23 x 1.75 cm, 184 Pages.
Dorothy Iannone, Pleased To Meet You: Dorothy Iannone, 2017. Periodical, 23 x 30cm.
Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone: Eros Paintings, 2019. Book.
Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone & Juliette Blightman: (TA)ROT TAROT, 2021. Book, 136 pages.
Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2022. Book.
Dorothy Iannone, John Giorno, Rose in The Paris Review, Issue 42, Winter-Spring 1968 . Periodical.
Dorothy Iannone, A catalogue raisonné of editions and books (1964-2013). Book.