> Jef Geys, De gevallen verwittiging [The Fallen Warning], 1985. Installation, steel, pigment powder, 400 x 700 x 200 cm.
> Wim Delvoye, Twee Delftse Butaangasflessen [Two Delft Blue Butane Containers], 1988. Sculpture, butane bottles, enamel paint, 58 x 30 cm.
> Ria Pacquée, The girl who was never asked to marry, 1988. Installation, leather, paper, silk, 90 x 80 x 100 cm.
> Wim Delvoye, Betonmolen [Cement Mixer], 1993. Sculpture, wood, lacquer, 128 x 155 x 92 cm.
> Ilya & Emilia Kabakov , In the Closet, 1998. Installation, drawings, wood, pictures, lamp, clothes, 190 x 60 x 60 cm.