M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

Exhibition: Urgent Conversations Athens - Antwerp

National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST), Athens

31 October 2016 - 05 February 2017

©image / video stilll: Stefanos Tsivopoulos

Urgent Conversations: Athens – Antwerp is the first temporary exhibition in the long overdue public unfolding of the Greek National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST). The project offers a reflective dialogue between the collections of EMST and M HKA, the Flemish Contemporary Art Museum, based in Antwerp. This exhibition commences the program EMST in the World.

The impulse of both Urgent Conversations: Athens – Antwerp and EMST in the World is the necessity of cultural dialogue on a global scale, also within multifaceted Europe. Societies nowadays tend to polarize in 49 % versus 51 % camps, negotiations start from antagonistic positions as a default position, introversion and individualism became entrenched states. There may be loftier aspirations than the capacity of conversation, but its recent fragility often reached critical levels and can be described as an urgent situation.

Urgent Conversations: Athens – Antwerp has been developed bottom up, each time starting from work of a Greek and a Belgian artist, that resonate, searching a notion that arises from this resonance, then adding a third artist from elsewhere in one of the two collections. In this way the exhibition was structured around 22 notions with each time work of three artists in a dialogue around it, the total consisting of more than 70 works from 66 artists.

This exhibition enacts the belief of both museums that works of art may constantly emanate new meanings, open questions and initiate a much desired dialogue, that basic ground for human culture. This project is therefore also a counter-proposal to cultural and curatorial sameness, opting instead for a multitude of convincing constellations of subjects, impossible to exhaust, leading up to discussions concerning both individual and collective realizations, and to actions.

Athens and Antwerp seem to represent two extremes of Europe today, but at the same time Greece and Flanders are both regions of Europe that added many crucial threads to its cultural fabric. Institutions like EMST and M HKA may further cultivate that. EMST in the World will develop in the same vein further dialectical relations between EMST and institutions elsewhere with corresponding aims and practices, geared to the research and curation of contemporary art and other contemporary cultural manifestations.


Bart De Baere & Katerina Koskina


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> Nikos Kessanlis, Bag, 1961. Sculpture, plaster, 22 x 33 x 23 cm.

> Nikos Kessanlis, Compressed Cotton, 1961. Sculpture, wooden press, cotton cloth, 43.5 x 60.5 x 40.5 cm.

> Nikos Kessanlis, Gesture, 1961. Sculpture, iron, coloured thread, wood, 34 x 30 x 100 cm.

> Jan Henderikse, Houten groentekisten [Wooden Vegetable Crates], 1962-2012. Installation, wood, variable dimensions.

> Jacques Lizène, Peinture à la manière fécale, 1977. Dessin mediocre d'art syncretique, 1964. Olivier croisé sapin croisé palmier croisé cactus. Remake 2010 et projection vidéo. , 1964-2010. Mixed Media, mixed media, canvas, video projection, 200 x 150 cm.

> Jacques Lizène, Chaise découpée [Cut-Up Chair], 1964-2008. Sculpture, wood, canvas, 83 x 40 x 35 cm.

> Panamarenko, Prova Car, 1967. Object, tin, cellophane, 95 x 200 x 290 cm.

> Sarenco, Poetical License, 1969. Mixed Media, digital print, canvas, 99 x 64 cm.

> Lucas Samaras, Self, 1969. Video, dvd.

> Theodoros, Sculpture for Public Participation – Participation Prohibited, 1970-2005. Print, ink, paper, 2 x (160 x 100 cm).

> Costis, We, 1970. Drawing, ink, paper, 90 x 55 cm.

> Vlassis Caniaris, Aspects of racism II, 1970. Sculpture, plaster, 15 x 125 x 30 cm.

> Guy Mees, Water te Water [Water to Water], 1970. Video, dvd, 00:03:13.

> Costas Tsoclis, Sky, 1971. Installation, water taps, wood, barrel, rubber pipes, oil-paint, plexiglas, variable dimensions .

> Wout Vercammen, Angola, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 200 cm.

> Wout Vercammen, Oost West, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.

> Wout Vercammen, Orgasme-strijder, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.

> Wout Vercammen, Verzetsstrijders en Kolonels 2, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.

> Wout Vercammen, Massa's, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.

> Paul De Vree, Revolutie II, 1972. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 60 x 70 cm.

> Luc Deleu, Mobile Medium University Revisited (floating U.I.A.), 1972-1982. Mixed Media, wood, plastic, paint, plexi, 110 x 60 x 25 cm.

> Hugo Roelandt, Self-portrait, green version / Zelfportret, groene versie, 1973-1993. Collage, 104 x 90 cm, photo, aluminium.

> Paul De Vree, De Mens, 1973. Print, ink, paper, 51 x 82 cm.

> Paul De Vree, Parlement, 1973. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 55 x 70 cm.

> Paul De Vree, Hysteria makes history, 1973. Drawing, photo emulsion, canvas, 95 x 68 cm.

> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Untitled, 1974-2002. Drawing, mixed media, paper, 38.5 x 47.5 cm .

> Hugo Roelandt, Geprojecteerde gevoelens tegenover iets of iemand [Projected Feelings Toward Something or Somebody], 1974. Photography, dia-projection , 80 x.

> James Lee Byars, TH FI TO IN PH, 1975. Object, wooden toothpick, 5.6 x 0.2 cm.

> James Lee Byars, The Intellectual Murderer Shoes, 1975. Installation, fabric, shoes, 23 x 33 x 13 cm.

> Costis, Silence. The poem is on the ribbon, 1976. Drawing, paper, charcoal, ink ribbon, 110 x 70 cm.

> James Lee Byars, Letter to Flor Bex (The Giant), 1976. Letter, inkt op gouden papier, 158 x 177 cm.

> Jacques Lizène, Etre son propre tube de couleur. Peinture à la manière fécale. Peinture analitique (sans y). Remake 1995. En remake 2010. [To be Your Own Paint Tube. Painting in the Fecal Style. Analitic Painting (without y). Remake 1995, as a Remake 2010], 1977-2010. Mixed Media, mixed media, canvas, 100 x 80 cm.

> Bia Davou, Serial Structures, 1978. Installation, ink, graph paper.

> Rena Papaspyrou, Stilponos 7 - Episodes in Matter, 1979. Installation, pencil on 4 detached wall surfaces and 17 photographs from the process, 66 x 100 cm & 71 x 100 cm & 100 x 99 cm & 88 x 116 cm.

> Danny Matthys, Vivre d'Abord [To Live, Above All], 1979. Photography, b/w photo.

> Dimitris Alithinos, 201 Concealments 1981-2016, 1981-2016. Installation, variable dimensions .

> Marina Abramović & Ulay, Rest Energy, 1981. Photography, polaroid, 55 x 68 cm.

> Stephen Antonakos, White Cube with Blue and Red Neon, 1982. Installation, 93.98 x 91.40 x 91.40 cm.

> Bia Davou, Sail - Odyssey, 1982. Sculpture, fabric, thread, 440 x 470 x 157 cm.

> Jef Geys, De gevallen verwittiging [The Fallen Warning], 1985. Installation, steel, pigment powder, 400 x 700 x 200 cm.

> Philippe Van Snick, 10 dagen - 10 nachten, 1985. Poster, vinyl, canvas, cardboard, 20 x (24 x 18 cm).

> Guy Rombouts, X of Y [X or Y], 1985. Installation, mixed media, (l) 1700 cm.

> Bernd Lohaus, Während/DU/als Gegenüber/oder/zwischen dem/ICH, 1985. Sculpture, wood, chalk, 3 x (39 x 124 x 40 cm).

> Jimmie Durham, A Dead Deer, 1986. Sculpture, skull, bone, wood, paint, string, plastic, 120 x 72 x 14.4 cm.

> Nicos Baikas, Untitled, 1988. Drawing, pencil, paper, 35 x 43 x 4 cm.

> Thierry De Cordier, Hoofdbreker [Head-Breaker], 1988. Sculpture, wood, paint, 42 x 33 x 73 cm.

> Guillaume Bijl, Composition Trouvée (Rommelmarkt), 1988. Installation, mixed media, 75 x 220 x 230 cm.

> Cady Noland, Oozewald, 1989. Sculpture, aluminium, nylon, silver cloth, 180 x 90 x 73 cm.

> Allan Sekula, Middle Passage, Chapter 3 from Fish Story (1990 - 1993), 1990-1993. Photography, variable dimensions .

> Chryssa, Untitled, 1992-1995. Sculpture, aluminium, neon, 176 x 148 x 93 cm.

> Jimmie Durham, Himmelfahrt [Ascension], 1992. Sculpture, wood, iron, acrylic, 29 x 55 cm.

> Wim Delvoye, Betonmolen [Cement Mixer], 1993. Sculpture, wood, lacquer, 128 x 155 x 92 cm.

> Marlene Dumas, Sacrifice, 1993. Painting, oil, canvas, 70 x 90 cm.

> Luc Deleu, In 80 dagen rond de wereld - around the world in 80 days Weber - Madrid - Weber, 1993. Installation, mixed media, 193 x 102 cm.

> Jan Fabre, Mur de la montée des anges, 1993. Installation, chicken wire, jewel beetles, 142 x 53 cm.

> Douglas Gordon, Self-Portrait (Kissing with Scopolamine), 1994. Photography, dia projection, variable.

> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Nursing Activities, Direct (Verpulveren) [Nursing Activities, Direct (Pulverizing)], 1995-1998. Installation, videoband vhs, hout, metaal, 190,5 x 529 x 75 cm (geheel), 2 x 1 m (platen).

> Luc Tuymans, Vlaams dorp [Flemish village], 1995. Artist Novel, oil, canvas, 110.5 x 144.5 cm.

> Guy Mees, Imaginair Ballet [Imaginary Ballet], 1998. Installation, mixed media, ca. 300 x 600 cm.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, My Father's Room, 2000. Film, oil, canvas, 62.3 x 79.3 cm.

> Hicham Benohoud, Untitled [from the series 'La salle de classe n°2'], 2000-2002. Photography, silver gelatine print, 60 x 80 cm.

> Rustam Khalfin, Northern Barbarians, part 2: Love Races, 2000. Video, dvd, 00:07:00.

> Rustam Khalfin, Northern Barbarians, part 1: Bride and Groom, 2000. Video, dvd, 00:11:00.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, Sea Mines II, 2002. Painting, oil, canvas, 32.2 x 30 cm.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, Sea Mines I, 2002. Film, oil, canvas, 40.5 x 40 cm.

> Francis Alÿs, When Faith Moves Mountains, Lima, Peru, April 11, 2002, 2002. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.

> Hicham Benohoud, Untitled [from the series 'Version soft'], 2003. Photography, silver gelatine print, 60 x 80 cm.

> Apostolos Georgiou, Untitled, 2004. Painting, acrylic, canvas.

> Yael Kanarek, Heart in Heart, 2004. Sculpture, sheer organza ribbon, two meal meathhooks, aircraft cable, variable dimensions.

> Danae Stratou, The River of Life, 2004. Installation, 7 dvd, color, duration: 30’, 7 dvd players, 7 video projectors, 7 back projection screens, cd player, synchronizer, 8 sound amplifiers, 7 pairs of speakers, 1 subwoofer, 1 sound sphere, variable dimensions.

> Hicham Benohoud, 870 petites images coupées, 2004. Photography, silver gelatine print, 116 x 89 cm.

> Kimsooja, Bottari, 2005. Installation, traditional korean bedcovers and used clothing, variable dimensions .

> Charif Benhelima, Garbage, 2005. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 120 x 122 cm.

> Ria Pacquée, Inch'Allah, 2005. Video, videotape digital betacam, dvd, 00:18:40.

> Vladislav (Vlad) Mamyshev-Monroe , StarZ, 2005. Installation, photograph on canvas, paper, 10 x (320 x 237 cm), 3 x (75 x 75 cm), 20 x (76 x 60 cm), 20 x A2, 5 x A3, 244 x A4, 54 x A3, 135 x (15 x 20 cm).

> Stefanos Tsivopoulos, Land, 2006. Installation, video, 00:08:00.

> Kostis Velonis, Little wooden seats and the woman of his dreams, 2006. Installation, medium-density fibreboard, plywood, metal, lamp, compact disk player, compact disk, 2 speakers, sound amplifier, variable dimensions.

> Johanna Kandl, Ohne titel (Who's got the big picture), 2006. Film, tempera, canvas, 258 x 354 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Permanent Address, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 120 x 122 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Minus Two, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 120 x 122 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Baseline, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 100 x 102 cm.

> N S Harsha, Orgasm, 2007. Installation, wood, scythe, suitcase.

> N S Harsha, Sensual, 2007. Installation.

> Nina Papaconstantinou, Sylvia Plath: The lost journal, 2008. Drawing, paper, black thread, 21 x 500 cm.

> N S Harsha, Head, 2008. Installation.

> Goshka Macuga, On the Nature of the Beast , 2009. Textile, jacquard, 290 x 560 cm.

> Nikos Alexiou, Black Curtain, 2010-2011. Sculpture, straw, paper, twine, 197 x 136 x 6.5 cm.

> Koen van den Broek, Madonna, 2010. Film, oil on canvas, 93.5 x 85.5 cm .

> François Curlet, Chanter l'enfer [To Sing Hell], 2010. Installation, wood, drapery, perspex, metal, aluminium, 120 x 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 33 x 7 cm, 5 x 5 x 5 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Portrait of my Daughter II, 2010. Photography, lambda print, alu di-bond, 80.2 x 53.5 x 2.3 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Portrait of my Daughter I, 2010. Photography, lambda print, alu di-bond, 80.2 x 53.5 x 2.3 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Dior and Boss, 2010. Photography, lambda print, alu di-bond, 53.5 x 80.2 x 2.3 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Dior Salome, 2010. Photography, lambda print, alu di-bond, 53.5 x 80.2 x 2.3 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, My Friends, 2010. Photography, lambda print, alu di-bond, 53.5 x 80.2 x 2.3 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, The Observer, 2010. Photography, cibachrome, 96.5 x 127 x 5.5 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Forever Umai, 2010. Photography, cibachrome, 96.5 x 127 x 5.5 cm.

> Almagul Menlibayeva, Tengri Boy, 2010. Photography, cibachrome, 96.5 x 127 x 5.5 cm.

> Eleni Mylonas, Box Man, 2011. Painting, oil, canvas, 107 x 76 cm.

> Ivan Kožarić, I'm Feeling Like the Belly of a Lion That Has Eaten Too Much, 2011. Sculpture, metal, canvas, variable dimensions.

> Jan Henderikse, Assemblage, 2013. Object, wood, coins, paper, 27 x 14 x 4 cm.

> Ilias Papailiakis, Study for a greek landscape #1, 2013. Painting, oil, canvas, 38 x 35 cm.

> Eleni Mylonas, Untitled #2, 2013. Print, digital print on archival paper, 195 x 145 cm.

> Costas Varotsos, Kateri I Radës, 2014. Sculpture, metal boat propeller, glass, 100 x 150 x 150 cm.

> Alevtina Kakhidze / Алевтина Кахідзе, All Times News / Новини всіх часів, 2015. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions .

> Maria Papadimitriou, News from Nowhere, 2016. Collage, postcards , variable dimensions .

> Nikos Kessanlis, Untitled. Sculpture.