Don't You Know Who I Am? – Art After Identity Politics


M HKA, Antwerpen

13 June 2014 - 12 October 2014

Don’t You Know Who I Am? – Art after identity politics brought together emerging talent from around the world. In recent decades, various social groups have defined themselves according to political, economic or social categories, such as race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality to increase their visibility and counter marginalisation.

The exhibition, presented on two floors in the museum and on several off-site locations, was designed as a large-scale study of the modes and means by which identity and identification can be considered. New generations of artists investigated the formation of identity/identities in the world by means of strategies, such as performativity, abstraction, reification, logic and aesthetics of anything digital, activism, the analysis of the self from cultural and scientific perspectives, or the study of the role of the spectator.

Some thirty artists were invited to show both existing works and newly produced works: Anthea HamiltonAugustas SerapinasDonna KukamaEloise HawserErmias KifleyesusGuan XiaoHaegue YangHedwig HoubenIman IssaImran QureshiJuha LaakkonenKatja NovitskovaLawrence Abu HamdanLiesbeth DomsMaria SafronovaMaria TaniguchiMassimo GrimaldiNadezhda GrishinaNastio MosquitoOleg UstinovOnkar Kular & Noam ToranOscar MurilloPatrizio Di MassimoPedro BarateiroPennacchio ArgentatoShilpa Gupta and Wu Tsang

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