INBOX: George Smits, Toet – M.A.F.print – Zbolk. Episode 1: ISMOPOLIS klanksculpturen – documenten Zbolk radio pictures


M HKA, Antwerpen

30 October 2015 - 22 November 2015

The M HKA reserves its fifth floor for surprise events and intimate pop-up presentations. INBOX is a place that both inspires and surprises, and grants us a glimpse into the universe of passionate thinkers and doers. With INBOX, M HKA creates a physical space in which the museum addresses often-reccuring questions. In between the various events, we show a selection of our collection work, paying particular attention to video art.

George Smits (born in 1944 - died in 1977) – also known as Toet – saw the creation of cheap forms of art for a wider audience as a higher goal. The extreme integrity with which he pursued this goal is the common thread of Toet’s extremely diverse œuvre – MAFprint – Zbolk-Smits.

29.10 – 22.11.2015
Episode 1: ISMOPOLIS klanksculpturen – documenten Zbolk radio pictures

" How far can one go in building acoustic instruments with debris, playing them and recording the result, composing songs with samples of that music on cheap digital material, mixing those songs live during a weekly radio broadcast with the original sounds, without someone saying: you're out of tune, your time is up, you're a freak, you can go." – George Smits 

26.11.2015 – 03.01.2016
Episode 2: MAFprint experimentele zeefdrukken & affiches / Underground comics 'De verhalen van Jan' / Super 8 films 'The Colour Company Presents' / Schilderijen

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