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Jimmie Durham, Jesus. Es geht um die Wurst [Jesus. It's about the Sausage], 1992. Sculpture, wood, iron, steel, ink, paper, acrylic, mud, glue, 152 x 40 x 113 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Types of Murder Weapons, by Maigret, 1993. Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Types of Pipes, by Magritte, 1993. Mixed Media, wood, metal, pvc, 61 x 61 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Gilgamesh, 1993. Sculpture, wood, iron, pvc, axe, metal, 355 x 63 cm, 300 x 140 cm.
Julian Villaseñor, Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, The Man Who Had a Beautiful House, 1994. Video, dvd, 00:07:27.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait as Rosa Lévy, 1995-2006. Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Collected Stones, 1995-2002. Video, dvd, 00:24:13.
Jimmie Durham, St. Frigo, 1996. Sculpture, refrigerator, 132 x 60 x 60 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Ketchup and Mustard, 1997. Mixed Media, condiments, canvas, 140 x 190 x 6 cm.
Jimmie Durham, The Dangers of Petrification II, 1998-2007. Installation, paper, stone, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, The Dangers of Petrification I, 1998-2007. Installation, stone, paper, knife, ceramics, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, The Pursuit of Happiness, 2002. Video, 35 mm, dvd, 00:12:00.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Tocetea, 2003. Video, dvd, 00:00:26.
Jimmie Durham, Prehistoric Stone Tool, 2004. Mixed Media, wood, paint, stone, 75 x 85 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Smashing, 2004. Video, 00:92:00.
Jimmie Durham, Something (Perhaps a Fugue or an Elegy), 2005. Installation, 100 x 600 x 400 cm.
Jimmie Durham, A Stone Rejected by the Builder (1), 2006. Sculpture, stone, wood, acrylic paint, 34 x 41 x 20 cm (stone), 55 x 48 x 35 cm (table).
Jimmie Durham, A Mushroom from the Grunewald Forest, 2006. Assemblage, dried mushroom, ink, wood, mounted on cardboard. , 85 x 67 x 10 cm, 53 x 67 x 10 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Snake Eyes!, 2006. Collage, collage, wood, 125 x 81 cm.
Jimmie Durham, They Almost Fit, 2006. Collage, wood, 110 x 85 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be a Stone Statue of Myself, 2006. Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, Self-Portrait with Black Eye and Bruises, 2006. Photography, ink, paper, 79 x 60 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Maria Thereza Alves as Terminator, 2006. Photography, ink, paper, 80,7 x 60,7 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be my Mother as Played by Isabel Perera, 2006. Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, Maria Thereza Alves, Self-Portrait Pretending to Be Maria Thereza Alves, 2006. Photography, ink, paper, variable dimensions.
Jimmie Durham, Here's a Peanut Shaped Like a Bird, 2006. Sculpture, wood, paint, formica, peanut, 160 x 49 x 47 cm.
Jimmie Durham, You Cannot Book a Judge under Cover, 2006. Installation, 120 x 80 x 80 cm.
Jimmie Durham, Arc de Triomphe for Personal Use (Grey), 2007. Sculpture, wood, paint, 150 x 100 x 100 cm.