Litany - Nocturne canonization VvG


BIWA dpt. EAR, Antwerp


Midnight séance of the series concerning the canonization of Vincent van Gogh on April 8th 1990 in front of the Academy Antwerp. This took place one week after the official declaration on April 1st, and was a 'Litany' listing the paintings of the master which were prohibited to be photographed. It was a short manifestation with the VVVG-chair and some attributes. Attendance was minimal.

One of the attributes was a triptych with portraits of VinCENT v G and the list of prohibited paintings as published by El Pais. The pope used his miter and the transparent gloves with citations from VinCENT's letters, the chair was flanked by flippers representing the golden fleece, and a plastic chalice was used to drink water &wine. A book and visual attributes (Portraits) as well as candles were offered on two 'performance-cloths' used on various occasions...

(The Pope of Halensee Josephus I was assisted by acolytes Frans van Roosmaelen, Lieve Lambrecht Lutgard Breugelmans, Chris Straetling and a few others...)


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