LATT: Moments on Moments


M HKA, Antwerp

22 February 2013 - 12 May 2013

Moments on Moments was a compacted and reworked version of the exhibition Moments: A History of Performance in 10 Acts, set up by Boris Charmatz, Sigrid Gareis and Georg Schöllhammer for ZKM | Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, with the support of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

The exhibition Moments on Moments consisted of videos that showed work by some of the most prominent female artists and dancers of the last forty years: Marina Abramović, Trisha Brown, Graciela Carnevale, Simone Forti, Anna Halprin, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Reinhild Hoffmann, Channa Horwitz, Sanja Ivekovic, Adrian Piper and Yvonne Rainer. These pioneers of what we now call performance art, have always explored the boundaries between dance, performance and visual arts.

Moments on Moments focused on the performance art of the 60s and 70s, but also showed contemporary 'reconstructions'. Some videos are works of art in themselves, such as The Witness (2012), a film made specifically for Moments on Moments by the Israeli artist Ruti Sela. She recorded a dialogue between the French choreographer Boris Charmatz and some colleagues about how historical performance art should be interpreted today. Six of the participating artists were interviewed about this.

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