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Panamarenko, Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Feltra , 1966. Object, styropor, felt, 180 x 115 x 130 cm.
Panamarenko, Molly Peters , 1966. Object, styropor, felt, metal , 138 x 134 x 63 cm.
Panamarenko, Botten met sneeuw [Boots with Snow] , 1966. Object, leather boots and bag, wood, polyurethane , 24 x 37 x 20 cm, 28 x 25 x 28 cm, 18 x 44 x 23 cm.
Panamarenko, Magnetische schoenen [Magnetic Shoes], 1966-1967. Object, leather boots, electric wires, switches, 34 x 28.5 x 23 cm.
Panamarenko, Opgepast ! Bochten ! Blijf op het voetpad !, 1967. Multiple, offsetprint on chromecote, 58 x 76 cm.
Panamarenko, Walvis [Whale] , 1967. Object, styropor, cellophane, tin, 102 x 34 x 136 cm.
Panamarenko, Krokodillen [Crocodiles], 1967. Object, sand, plastic wrap, cardboard, plastic tiles, cellophane, nets, 25 x 230 x 110 cm.
Panamarenko, Zwitserse fiets [Swiss Bicycle], 1967. Object, tin, cardboard, linen, 61.5 x 60 x 66 cm .
Panamarenko, Prova Car, 1967. Object, tin, cellophane, 95 x 200 x 290 cm.
Panamarenko, Meikever [May-bug], 1968. Object, metal, glass, felt, wood, balsa, wire, polyester, 60 x 60 x 60 cm, 50.3 x 60 cm, 6 x 36.5 x 20 cm.
Panamarenko, Portable Air Transport I , 1969. Object, metal, plastic, wood, fishing-net, 24 x 50 x 96 cm.
Panamarenko, Donderwolk [Thundercloud], 1970-1971. Object, aluminium, plastic, rubber, wood, felt, leather, perspex , 300 x 500 x 500 cm.
Panamarenko, Meikever (Salto Arte) [May-bug (Salto Arte)], 1972. Object, metal, wood, plastic, propeller, motor, 29 x 50 x 44 cm, box: 16.6 x 37.1 x 38 cm.
Panamarenko, Helikopter, 1973-1986. Object, plastic, metal, wood, felt, paint; along with a display case with various objects, 100 x 900 x 500 cm.
Panamarenko, Deltavliegtuig P-1 (Piewan) [Deltaplane P-1 (Piewan)], 1975. Object, aluminium, wood, perspex, rubber, metal, 65 x 495 x 260 cm.
Panamarenko, Umbilly I, 1976. Object, steel, wood, tin, plastic, japanese paper, rubber, glass fibre, epoxy, nylon, 238 x 440 x 222 cm .
Panamarenko, Umbilly (Detail), 1976. Object, steel, wire, nylon, glass fibre, epoxy, 43 x 268 x 82 cm .
Panamarenko, 100.000 Revoluties/Minute Jet Turbine [100,000 Revolutions/Minute Jet Turbine], 1976-1993. Object, mixed media, 60 x 40 cm, 42 x 18 x 5.5cm.
Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren [ Voyage to the Stars], 1979. Multiple, iron, copper, wood and electric motor, 22 x 41 x 55 cm.
Panamarenko, Magnetische velden [Magnetic Fields], 1979. Object, table, capacitors, copper coils, metal disc with honeycomb motif, 109.8 x 76 x 77 cm.
Panamarenko, Vliegende schotel [Flying Saucer], 1979. Object, cardboard base with two copper coils, plexiglas flying saucers with eight magnets, compass and a typed, signed and dated statement, 64.5 x 66.4 x 42.9 cm.
Panamarenko, Magnetische Vliegende Sigaar [Magnetic Flying Cigar], 1980. Drawing.
Panamarenko, Vliegpak 50 PK 20kg [Flying Suit 50 h.p. 20kg], 1981. Drawing, colour drawing, 29 x 33 cm.
Panamarenko, DROMA, 1982. Object, metal, electric motor, magnets, electric cable, 15.2 cm, 36.5 cm.
Panamarenko, The Aeromodeller, 1984. Object, cellophane, balsa, copper wire, propellers in wood and plastic, 48 x 107 x 34 cm.
Panamarenko, The Aeromodeller, 1984. Object, metal, cellophane, wood, plastic, wire, 50 x 100 x 40 cm.
Panamarenko, Grote Plumbiet [Big Plumbite], 1984. Object, metal plates, magnet, 110 x 180 x 180 cm, 2 x (150 cm), 150 x 150 cm.
Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren II [ Voyage to the Stars II], 1985. Multiple, ink, paper, plastic, 60 x 90 cm.