M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

Exhibition: Panamarenko Universum

M HKA, Antwerpen

03 October 2014 - 29 March 2015

©image: Niels Donckers, Courtesy Mulier Mulier Gallery - Knokke

Panamarenko Universum was the big and exclusive return of Panamarenko (born in 1940, Antwerp) to his hometown of Antwerp. The retrospective Panamarenko Universum investigated which works could form a backbone for Panamarenko's oeuvre in what contexts. For the first time, a thematic and chronological structure was superimposed on the variety of objects and appliances Panamarenko created between 1965 and 2005.

Anyone who examines Panamarenko's oeuvre will notice that each object or appliance is an autonomous planet, with numerous small satellites circling around it. These are the preliminary studies, theoretical models, initial sketches, experiments, prototypes and such like. These satellites are connected to each other and help us piece together the history of the ultimate parent planet - the work of art - as accurately as possible.

Because of the size and depth of Panamarenko's work, it was virtually impossible to map the entire universe with all the planets and satellites in one single exhibition. Certain planets from his oeuvre, however, show clear similarities, allowing us to distinguish imaginary lines and areas which, in turn, represented recognizable constellations or clusters. In an attempt to make the entire body of work as clear as possible, an attempt was made to organise these clusters chronologically.

In a nutshell, the happenings and collages preceded the poetic or silent objects. These were followed by the winged objects, motorized appliances, space vehicles, water vehicles and finally the mechanical robots.

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>Panamarenko, 'Bing of the Ferro Lusto', 2002

>Exhibition view with 'Brazil' (2004), M HKA, 2014

>Exhibition view with 'Molly Peters' (1966) and 'Feltra' (1966).

>Exhibition view with 'PAHAMA, Spitsbergen, Nova Zemblaya' (1996).

>Campaign 'Panamarenko Universum', M HKA, 2014

> Panamarenko, Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Feltra , 1966. Object, styropor, felt, 180 x 115 x 130 cm.

> Panamarenko, Molly Peters , 1966. Object, styropor, felt, metal , 138 x 134 x 63 cm.

> Panamarenko, Botten met sneeuw [Boots with Snow] , 1966. Object, leather boots and bag, wood, polyurethane , 24 x 37 x 20 cm, 28 x 25 x 28 cm, 18 x 44 x 23 cm.

> Panamarenko, Magnetische schoenen [Magnetic Shoes], 1966-1967. Object, leather boots, electric wires, switches, 34 x 28.5 x 23 cm.

> Panamarenko, Opgepast ! Bochten ! Blijf op het voetpad !, 1967. Multiple, offsetprint on chromecote, 58 x 76 cm.

> Panamarenko, Walvis [Whale] , 1967. Object, styropor, cellophane, tin, 102 x 34 x 136 cm.

> Panamarenko, Krokodillen [Crocodiles], 1967. Object, sand, plastic wrap, cardboard, plastic tiles, cellophane, nets, 25 x 230 x 110 cm.

> Panamarenko, Zwitserse fiets [Swiss Bicycle], 1967. Object, tin, cardboard, linen, 61.5 x 60 x 66 cm .

> Panamarenko, Prova Car, 1967. Object, tin, cellophane, 95 x 200 x 290 cm.

> Panamarenko, Meikever [May-bug], 1968. Object, metal, glass, felt, wood, balsa, wire, polyester, 60 x 60 x 60 cm, 50.3 x 60 cm, 6 x 36.5 x 20 cm.

> Panamarenko, Portable Air Transport I , 1969. Object, metal, plastic, wood, fishing-net, 24 x 50 x 96 cm.

> Panamarenko, Donderwolk [Thundercloud], 1970-1971. Object, aluminium, plastic, rubber, wood, felt, leather, perspex , 300 x 500 x 500 cm.

> Panamarenko, Meikever (Salto Arte) [May-bug (Salto Arte)], 1972. Object, metal, wood, plastic, propeller, motor, 29 x 50 x 44 cm, box: 16.6 x 37.1 x 38 cm.

> Panamarenko, Helikopter, 1973-1986. Object, plastic, metal, wood, felt, paint; along with a display case with various objects, 100 x 900 x 500 cm.

> Panamarenko, Deltavliegtuig P-1 (Piewan) [Deltaplane P-1 (Piewan)], 1975. Object, aluminium, wood, perspex, rubber, metal, 65 x 495 x 260 cm.

> Panamarenko, Umbilly I, 1976. Object, steel, wood, tin, plastic, japanese paper, rubber, glass fibre, epoxy, nylon, 238 x 440 x 222 cm .

> Panamarenko, Umbilly (Detail), 1976. Object, steel, wire, nylon, glass fibre, epoxy, 43 x 268 x 82 cm .

> Panamarenko, 100.000 Revoluties/Minute Jet Turbine [100,000 Revolutions/Minute Jet Turbine], 1976-1993. Object, mixed media, 60 x 40 cm, 42 x 18 x 5.5cm.

> Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren [ Voyage to the Stars], 1979. Multiple, iron, copper, wood and electric motor, 22 x 41 x 55 cm.

> Panamarenko, Magnetische velden [Magnetic Fields], 1979. Object, table, capacitors, copper coils, metal disc with honeycomb motif, 109.8 x 76 x 77 cm.

> Panamarenko, Vliegende schotel [Flying Saucer], 1979. Object, cardboard base with two copper coils, plexiglas flying saucers with eight magnets, compass and a typed, signed and dated statement, 64.5 x 66.4 x 42.9 cm.

> Panamarenko, Magnetische Vliegende Sigaar [Magnetic Flying Cigar], 1980. Drawing.

> Panamarenko, Vliegpak 50 PK 20kg [Flying Suit 50 h.p. 20kg], 1981. Drawing, colour drawing, 29 x 33 cm.

> Panamarenko, DROMA, 1982. Object, metal, electric motor, magnets, electric cable, 15.2 cm, 36.5 cm.

> Panamarenko, The Aeromodeller, 1984. Object, cellophane, balsa, copper wire, propellers in wood and plastic, 48 x 107 x 34 cm.

> Panamarenko, The Aeromodeller, 1984. Object, metal, cellophane, wood, plastic, wire, 50 x 100 x 40 cm.

> Panamarenko, Grote Plumbiet [Big Plumbite], 1984. Object, metal plates, magnet, 110 x 180 x 180 cm, 2 x (150 cm), 150 x 150 cm.

> Panamarenko, Reis naar de sterren II [ Voyage to the Stars II], 1985. Multiple, ink, paper, plastic, 60 x 90 cm.

> Panamarenko, Chambres d'Amis , 1986. Object, wicker, paper, coconut mat, 97 x 105 x 67 cm .

> Panamarenko, Pastille Motor n°9, 1987. Object, metal, metal stand, 40 x 30 x 30 cm .

> Panamarenko, Pastille Motor n°5, 1987. Object, aluminium, metal, plastic, bakelite , 137 x 40 x 40 cm, 200 x 200 x 300 cm.

> Panamarenko, Le Garage des Alpes , 1989. Object, wood, metal , 116 x 258 x 136 cm, 45.5 x 143 x 84 cm .

> Panamarenko, Dubbele zeppelin, 1990. Object, wood, plastic, metal, pvc, nylon, rope, 56 x 160 x 40 cm.

> Panamarenko, Big Elbow (Razmo Special), 1990-1992. Object, metal, wooden propeller, belt , pedals with cycling shoes, tape and float, 25 x 120 x 60 cm.

> Panamarenko, The Portuguese Man of War , 1990. Object, diving gear on a metal table, plexiglas, rubber neck ring, batteries, tape, air pump with pressure gauge, electrical cable and belt with lead, 126 x 63 x 53 cm .

> Panamarenko, Puk Bot, 1991. Object, 12 solar cells, tape, beads, 23 x 35 x 10 cm.

> Panamarenko, K2. The 7000-Meter High Flying Jungle and Mountain Machine , 1991. Object, aluminium, styropor, polyurethane, nylon, kevlar, rubber, perspex, felt, 90 x 215 x 330 cm .

> Panamarenko, V1 Barada Jet, 1991. Object, metal, balsa, felt , 105 x 250 x 308 cm .

> Panamarenko, Maquette van Scimitar [Model of the Scimitar], 1992. Object, metal, rubber, nylon, tape, styropor, balsa, 56 x 220 x 113 cm .

> Panamarenko, Toymodel of Space, 1993. Object.

> Panamarenko, Knikkebeen [Crooked Leg], 1994. Object, aluminium, leather,motor, 170 x 100 x 210 mm.

> Panamarenko, Dubbele Papaver, 1995. Object, wood, parchment, plastic, string, 70 x 100 x 80 cm.

> Panamarenko, PAHAMA, Spitsbergen, Nova Zemblaya, 1996. Object, steel, plexiglas, engine, generator, video camera, monitor, switchboard, 600 x 210 x 370 cm.

> Panamarenko, Super Pepto Bismo, 1996. Object, twelve propellers, engine, electric ignition, drive belts, metal, leather belt, 100 x 150 x 80 cm.

> Panamarenko, Katapult Max [Catapult Max], 1997. Object, wood, metal, elastic rubber, nylon, felt, 200 x 300 cm.

> Panamarenko, Hazerug [Hareback], 1997. Object, motor, kevlar, expoxy, plastic, propeller, felt, metal, 90 x 70 x 50 cm.

> Panamarenko, Grote Quadru Flip-Flop [Big Quadru Flip-Flop], 1998. Object, metal, epoxy, 60 x 168 x 300 cm.

> Panamarenko, Cacao, 2000. Object, wood, plastic, cord, 78 x 122 x 60 cm.

> Panamarenko, Raven's variable matrix, 2000. Object, motor, aluminium, felt, polycarbonate, 165 x 510 x 364 cm.

> Panamarenko, Monocedo, 2000. Object, wood, plywood, rubber, textiles, adhesives, styrofoam, motor, silencers, rotor blade, 130 x 240 cm.

> Panamarenko, Boela Matari, 2001. Object, wood, metal, clay, electric cells, 30 x 40 x 15 cm.

> Panamarenko, Persis Clambatta II, 2001. Object, wood, clay, solar cells, electrical cells, 29 x 39 x 15.5 cm.

> Panamarenko, Bing of the Ferro Lusto, 2002. Drawing.

> Panamarenko, Bing of the Ferro Lusto (model), 2002. Object, painted epoxy, 4 electric motors, presented on a wooden base, ø 110 cm.

> Panamarenko, Papaver [Poppy], 2002. Object, plastic, pvc, tape, rope, wooden propeller, anchor, 60 x 60 x 100 cm.

> Panamarenko, Bing of the Ferro Lusto (model), 2002. Object, metal, painted epoxy, 4 electric motors, presented on a metal standard, 60 x 110 cm.

> Panamarenko, Bing of the Ferro Lusto (model), 2002. Object, original model in epoxy, resin, electric motor, presented on a metal base, 160 x 130 cm.

> Panamarenko, Scotch Gambit (prototype), 2003. Object, mixed media, 64 x 29 x 41 cm.

> Panamarenko, IJsvogel, 2003. Drawing, paper, 127.5 x 180 cm.

> Panamarenko, Pepto Bismo, 2003. Object, bronze, 6 engines, propellers, 185 x 145 x 70 cm.

> Panamarenko, Bing II, 2003. Object, metal, balsa wood, plexiglas, 150 x 300 cm.

> Panamarenko, Vogelmarkt [Bird Market], 2004. Installation, installation with three tables with sunshade, three walking chickens, 200 x 250 x 100 cm.

> Panamarenko, Noordpool Arlikoop, 2004. Multiple, inkjet print, polyester coated canvas, 136 x 102 cm.

> Panamarenko, Arlikoop, 2004. Object, polystyrene, metal, optical lens, electric motor, servos, 117 x 28 x 26 cm.

> Panamarenko, Brazil, 2004. Object, 130 x 100 x 650 cm.

> Panamarenko, IJsvogel, 2004. Object, pvc, aluminum, iron, tape, nylon, 260 x 900 x 400 cm.

> Panamarenko, Cocotaxi bis, 2005. Object, metal, wood, clay, silver paint, electric motor and battery, 33 x 16 x 19 cm.

> Panamarenko, Panamarenko Universum, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 30.6 x 23.5 cm, 223 p., language : English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst & Ludion, ISBN : 9789491819209.

> Panamarenko, Panamarenko Universum, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 30.6 x 23.5 cm, 223 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen & Ludion, ISBN : 9789491819193.