Performance, various.
©Angelos bvba
Different locations
Duration: various
In homage to his dead twin brother Emile Fabre, the artist attempts to measure the immeasurable: the clouds. This action, which led to the famous bronze sculpture, is based on a quote from the prisoner and ornithologist Robert Stroud after his release: ‘I’m going to measure the clouds’.
'I'm in a poetic hell!
Today I installed a new work in a window display
box in Offerandestraat (the only-free pedestrian
shopping street in Antwerp, masses of pf people pass
along it).
I modelled a little man measuring the clouds, in clay.
And above him hang clouds of expanded
I painted it all light grey-blue.
It is an offering, a tribute,
to my dead brother, Emile Fabre'
(Jan Fabre, Antwerp, 3 December 1978)
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> Jan Fabre.
> Exhibition: Jan Fabre – Stigmata, Actions & Performances 1976-2013. M HKA, Antwerpen, 24 April 2015 - 26 July 2015.
> Ensemble: Wetenschap & Experiment [Science & Experiment].
>Jan Fabre, The Man Measuring the Clouds (Model for the roof of deSingel and the S.M.A.K.) , 1998.Prototype, wood, textile, wax, stone, clay and cement, 25 x 20.5 x 20 com .
>Jan Fabre, The Man Measuring the Clouds, 1998.Drawing, hb pencil on paper, 29.5 x 21 cm.