Jacques Charlier

Materials: Paper

Collection: Collection Philippe Crismer.

"Charlier also published Total’s: the Liège Underground Journal [Total’s : la revue souterraine liégeoise]—a journal that was published sporadically between 1965 and 1968. The magazine supported the group, known as Total’s Club, which had been founded by Jean-Marie Decheneux and Paul Dubar. Charlier, together with other members of the club, participated in happenings that often had a political motivation. One of the happenings included a march against nuclear weapons in Brussels, where the members walked with a transparent flag and a bandage stuck to their mouths. In this way, they supported the demonstration but, at the same time, they denounced the theatricality of the protest."

Liesbeth Decan, Conceptual, Surrealist, Pictorial: Photo-based Art in Belgium (1960s – early 1990s), Leuven University Press, 2016, p. 45

Total's n° pirate, la bonne parole liégeoise

Total's n°1, L'édition souterraine liégeoise,

Total's n°7, L'édition liégeoise souterraine

Total's, n°2. Affichette - invitation

Tract Total's T', un monde de super-machine, par Jacques Charlier

Totalistes présentant le n°7 de «Total's, l'édition liégeoise souterraine»

Affichette «CivilisaTion», addendum au n°7 de «Total's, l'édition liégeoise souterraine»

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