Jef Lambrecht
Livre, A5 var. Materials: paper, ink (printing)
Collection: M HKA, Antwerpen - Schenking Samarkand, 2019.
21 July 1983.Belgium being declared a work of Art by the Belgian Institute for World Affairs at the Royal Palace in Laeken aside from the directors of B
Founded by Karel Schoetens and Jef Lambrecht in 1982, broken up & re-launched 1986 and disbanded in 1992.
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
La majeure partie de l’héritage artistique de Jef Lambrecht provient de son propre studio, légué à sa propre organisation caritative à but no
Jef Lambrecht était un correspondant invétéré – non seulement dans le sens journalistique de reportage sur les affaires du monde (c'est aussi
Jef Lambrecht, Nachtverlichting Autoroutevignet. Article, paper, ink (printing) pen, variable.
Jef Lambrecht, Brief Zonnenbloemayonaise, 1987. Letter, paper, ink (printing) pen, A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Why Belgium is a White Spot, 1984. Painting, paper, paint, 85 x 120 cm.