Охорона праці на Дніпропетровщині / Labour Safety in the Region of Dnipropetrovsk
Даніїл Ревковський та Андрій Рачинський / Daniil Revkovskiy and Andriy Rachinskiy
Video, 22’13”.
Labour Safety in the Region of Dnipropetrovsk is a compilation of videos found by the artists on social media. Workers of industrial enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region and residents of adjacent areas had filmed workdays and emergency situations with their gadgets. The tough workdays are complemented with flashes of non-triviality. Such videos and their online circulation, however, bear testimony to the ongoing class war (the use of recording devices at work is commonly strictly prohibited). Daniil Revkovskiy & Andriy Rachinskiy kept the original voice-overs, which are distinguished by a bright emotional colour, a mixture of surprise and delight. The scenes of the (post-)industrial hell are interspersed with unexpected situations of humour and humaneness. Labour Safety in the Region of Dnipropetrovsk balances between a tragicomedy and an environmental disaster film.