Pleased To Meet You: Dorothy Iannone

Dorothy Iannone


Periodical, 23 x 30cm.

Collection: Collection M HKA / library.

Deluxe fanzine published by Semiose éditions (number 3, february 2017)
Contributions by Dorothy Iannone, Maurizio Cattelan, Claire Le Restif 

"To present the artist as a rock star" perfectly captures the ambition of this deluxe fanzine, whose third opus celebrates an artist, whose immense prestige approches that of a goddess. Since the 1960s, Dorothy lannone has delivered a liberating and fascinating body of work where the intimate couples with the universal and self-realization harmonizes with the great mythological narrative. In a disarmingly candid tone, the drawings from her (Ta)Rot Pack (previously unpublished and featured here in their integrality) resonate with an ardent message of love and a salutary hedonistic philosophy. "Pleased to meet you. Hope you guess my name: Dorothy lannone."


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