View of drapery - Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wrapping of the Reichstag in 1995
Working on the scaffolding -Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wrapping of the Reichsta
Corner tower being clad - Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wrapping of the Reichstag
Christo giving instructions on site - Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wrapping of th
Press Conference - Reichstag im Negligé (stills) - Minister S¨ssmuth, Christo, Jeanne-Claude... Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-rep
Press conference - Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wra
Surroundings - packaging artist at Reichstag im Negligé (stills) Jef Lambrecht made an extensive video-reportage on the wrapping of the R